The Holy of Holies and The Throne in
From my book Creation Cries Out! The
The Throne in Heaven
The Holy of Holies in the physical temple was designed after
the “Throne in Heaven”. The Holy of Holies contains 8 Seraphs, the
Throne/Ark of the Covenant enclosed by a veil. The Throne in Heaven,
however, has the image of a man wearing a crown and Turban standing behind the
Throne. The High Priest wearing a crown/turban would enter through the
veil and complete the the Throne in Heaven… on Earth.
In this teaching, we are going to examine the design of the
physical temple and demonstrate that it is a representation of the center of
The Heavenly Scroll (The Enoch Zodiac) which in the midst/middle is the Throne
in Heaven.
This is The Throne in (the middle of the) Heaven(ly Throne).
What we have, that must be found on the Earthly Throne (the
Ark of the Covenant) is:
Melchi Tsedek – the Zadok High Priest wearing The Crown of the
Son of Man (emanating 6 radiant projections)
4 Seraphim surrounding the Throne the prophets called Living
Creatures with 6 Wings
4 Seraphim on the outer edges of the Throne
The Throne itself
The 7 Candlestick Menorah
We are going to examine the above list found in The Heavenly
Scroll and compare it to the design of the Most Holy Place where the Ark of the
Covenant was placed. We will discover the Truth, that the physical Temple
is a reflection of Yahuah’s Abode in Heaven called The Throne in Heaven.
The Crown of The Son of Man
In the center of The Heavenly Scroll, the man is wearing a
crown (turban) on his head. There is a golden ring of fire sitting
directly on his head below the 6 pointed crown. This is The Crown of
the Son of Man as the number of man is 6. We see Ezekiel describe this
“crown of fire” on his head:
Ezekiel 1
27 From the form of his waist upward, I saw
the appearance of amber; a brilliant whiteness with colors of fire; spectrum
colors: red, yellow, blue, etc., with the presence of
fire surrounding its head;
The crown is then topped with 6 brilliant emanations
indicating it is The Son of Man.
This “crown” is what adorns the head of the Zadok Priesthood
(High Priests) as the physical High Priests were a “stand in” for the coming
Eternal Zadok High Priest represented in The Heavenly Scroll. This
“crown” is also known as the Turban of the High Preist and as we see below, the
golden crown is the “fire” which sits below the Turban. This is The Golden
Crown of the High Priest representing the Crown of Fire on the head of Melchi
Tsedek in The Heavenly Scroll.
The Temple itself as a whole was designed after the man on
the Throne in Heaven, the priestly chambers are the Crown of the Son of Man
also called the Turban.
8 Seraphim in both The Temple and The Heavenly
All the prophets in Scripture witnessed what is known as 6
winged Seraphs surrounding the Throne and on the outer ring in Heaven.
Revelation Chapter 4
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings,
and thunderings, and voices; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before
the throne (The Heavenly Menorah), which
signify and represent the complete plan of Yahuah (7-spirits/7
stars of Pleiades). 6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass,
like crystal (blackness of space). And in the
middle of the throne, AND surrounding the throne, were four living creatures (8 total Seraphs).
Seraphs are the SYMBOL of The Heavenly Scroll.
h8314. saraph
From saraph; burning, i.e. (figuratively)
poisonous (serpent); specifically, a saraph or symbolical creature (from their
copper color) -- fiery (serpent), seraph.
As we see in Strong’s above, they have a copper color as
seen in The Heavenly Scroll. We see below, there are 4 on the outer rim
and 4 in the middle Throne Room.
Each of these Seraphs have 6 wings and as we see in the
Throne in Heaven they are singing “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Revelation Chapter 4
8 And each of the four living creatures (surrounding the Throne) had six wings, they were full
of eyes around and within; and they did not cease day and night, saying: Holy,
holy, holy, Father Yahuah Almighty,
This is what is represented in The Heavenly Scroll, we see
the mouths of the Seraphs open singing “Holy Holy Holy” above.
Now, look at the Seraphs surrounding the “throne/ark” in the
Temple. Notice how they have two wings pointing upward and two sets covering
their bodies.
Ezekiel Chapter 1
11 This was the description of their faces.
Then two of the wings of the four Seraphs spread upward, one touching the wing
tip of another creature on either side; and 2 sets of wings (double what
spread upward) covered their bodies.
Then notice if you were looking right at that Seraph (the
image below is of the side) all you would see is the “tips” of the other two
wings sticking out, as the rest is covering in front of their bodies. Looking
right at them in front, you would see two large wings and two “tips” sticking
In the physical Temple there are actually 8 Seraphs
represented. We were never told about the 2 standing next to the Ark,
making 4 surrounding the Ark just like the center throne of the Enoch Zodiac
singing Holy Holy Holy…. But what about the other 4 on the outer ring. Where
are THEY represented in the Temple?
We see the 4 Seraphs surrounding the throne, the two on the
wings of the Ark and then the two standing beside it.
If you look on the back wall at the top in the image above,
you see two more painted above it making 6 total in the Holy of Holies.
When the Veil is drawn to expose the throne, we see 2 more Seraphs on the
curtain to represent the 4 on the outer ring giving us 4 on the top and 4 on
the bottom.
So if we were ever taught properly the
design of the Temple Throne Room, we would see 8 Seraphs, 4 before the throne
(center of the Enoch Zodiac) and 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom (wall and
curtain) as in the outer ring of The Enoch Zodiac.
Depending on how you look at it, the two on the Ark and the
two on the curtain represent the 4 in the center of the Enoch Zodiac. The
two on the back wall and two beside the Ark could represent the 4 on the outer
ring of The Enoch Zodiac. There are 8 Seraphs in the Temple surrounding
the Throne in the Holy of Holies, as it was designed per the Throne in Heaven
(The Heavenly Scroll) exactly what all the prophets “saw”.
The Menorah before The Throne in Heaven
We see “in Heaven” there is a 7 candlestick Heavenly
Revelation Chapter 4
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings,
and thunderings, and voices; and there were seven lamps of fire burning
before the throne, which signify and represent the complete plan of Yahuah
(7-spirits/7 stars of Pleiades).
This is an artist rendition of what John described.
We see the 4 Seraphs before the Throne, the man sitting on
the throne, and the Menorah in front of the Throne. This was also
reflected in the physical Temple.
The physical Temple was a depiction of Yahuah’s Throne which
is in The Heavenly Scroll.
Isaiah 66:1
This is what Yahuah says: "Heaven is my
throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for
me? Where will my resting place be?
Rav Sha’ul (the Nazarene)